About Ayurveda


Ayurveda means ‘The Science of Life’ and it is the ancient healthcare system of India. It has been practiced since ancient times by millions of individuals to get rid of numerous diseases. It helps the body in journeying back to optimal health. For the Ayurvedic point of view, health comes when we live in harmony with our true natural spirit. Ayurveda gives us a chance to get a glimpse of true nature and to find the best ways to live a healthy life. It provides healing to people on all levels which include physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Ayurveda considers natural herbs for the treatment of various ailments and without any side effects. Other healing modalities include diet, aromas and lifestyle recommendations. Pancha Karma, meditation and yoga are equally recommended as a part of various natural treatments. Numerous people have discovered that Ayurveda and related ancient principles are easily applicable to modern life. They have the power to create health and get rid of most diseases.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up from five basic elements. These elements are the water, earth, fire, air and ether. Every person has its basic life functions and characteristics. The body is governed by three doshas. Vata dosha is from elements of ether and air, Pitta dosha is from elements of fire and water in the body and Kapha dosha is governed by the elements of earth and water. Vata dosha is considered responsible for the overall course of movement in body cells. It regulates growth, mental activity and sensory activity. It affects alertness, clarity and creativity. Pitta dosha is responsible for the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism. It also regulates body heat. Kapha dosha is considered responsible for the physical structure and management with fluids. This dosha represents cohesion and stability of the structures of the body and is responsible for biological strength.

The knowledge of Ayurveda was collated into textbooks more than 5000 thousand years ago. The oldest known textbook on Ayurveda is the ‘Charaka Samhita’ which described that the five elements found in the universe i.e. earth, water, air, fire and space have impact on every individual. It emphasized on the importance of keeping these elements balanced for a healthy life. According to Ayurveda, disease means that there is some imbalance in any of the three doshas. Natural herbs help to bring the system back into balance and infact; they are the key to cure. Ayurveda serves as an effective tool for the diagnosis of any disease called ‘nadi pareeksha’. In other words, it is the pulse diagnosis and by placing finger on the wrist, an Ayurvedic physician can easily detect the imbalances in the body and thus recommend an effective treatment.


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